Words to Inspire, Provoke, and Illuminate

Michael A. Schuler, M.Div., Ph.D writes on spirituality, the religious scene, literature and current events. Click “About” in the drop-down menu for a fuller portrayal

Making the Good Life Last: Four Keys to Sustainable Living (2009)

Pay Attention

Stay Put

Exercise Patience

Practice Prudence

Four Keys to a lifetime of greater serenity and satisfaction

Life is a journey, and there are always opportunities for new discoveries

We are learners first, and teachers second

Michael’s book can be ordered from him directly (michael@maschuler.com) or as a softcover or e-book from Berrett Koehler publishers


Humanism: In Command or in Crisis? (Disciples, Doubters, and Despisers Weigh In)

Michael’s most recent book is now available for purchase from the publisher, Wipf & Stock, Amazon, Barnes & Noble or as a Kindle e-book. For a copy at reduced price, contact the author: Michael@maschuler.com. To preview the book’s contents, use the “Publications” link in the header.


Whither Humanism? What do leading voices in the sciences and humanities have to say about the future of the world’s most influential ideology?

Michael has enjoyed a lengthy career as a public speaker, and has created presentations on a wide variety of topics. For examples, click on the “Presentations” link in the header