About The Author

Michael A. Schuler served as a Unitarian Universalist minister for over forty years, leading congregations in Sioux City, Iowa, Binghamton, New York, and Madison Wisconsin. All three congregations experienced significant growth under his leadership, with membership in the First Unitarian Society of Madison tripling during his thirty years of service. In addition to hundreds of sermons and other public presentations, Michael has conducted workshops on a variety of topics, including spirituality, subtle energy, ethical eating, movement meditation, and sustainable living. He has authored articles on congregational dynamics and institutional growth, as well as Making the Good Life Last: Four Keys to Sustainable Living (2009). His most recent book, Humanism: In Command or in Crisis, was released in September 2023 by Wipf and Stock Publishers. Michael is currently working on a book-length memoir focused on his late father. Michael holds a BA degree in political science from Eckerd College, a Master of Divinity from Starr King School for the Ministry, and an interdisciplinary Ph.d. in the Humanities from Florida State University. (more)

“You have been a major influence in the life of my spirit…Your reflections through these years have been a staple in my life, giving me much to ponder.”

- Educator and former Methodist clergy spouse